In the first instance, you will receive an email notification inviting you to cast your vote, either via your online dashboard or app.
Once you enter your pin to your app, on your initial welcome page you will see a 'Voting' option providing you with an area to review and cast your votes.
Select 'Voting' and your 'Current'/'Completed' votes area will be displayed.
Tap on the voting card to bring up the details of the vote.
The information displayed includes vote creator, vote description, deadline and associated documents.
You can review and annotate vote documents by tapping on the file so that the download arrow changes to a tick, confirming download has been completed and the document can be opened.
Cast your vote by tapping on the 'Vote Now' blue bar along the bottom of your screen.
Upon casting your vote you can apply a decision and comments (which are visible to you only).
Choose 'Next' and you will see a message reminding you that your submitted vote cannot be changed once confirmed.
Submit and 'Confirm' your vote.
Finally, once the administrator has received all submitted votes by all voters you will receive email notifications of the results.
Please note: Annotations made on completion documents will not persist in the app if it is ever uninstalled and re-installed.