Completing an approval task

By clicking on the link in your email, or the task on the tasks tab in DotApprove, you will be taken to the task page.


The left hand panel gives you information about the job that you’re working on.

Summary – shows the instructions sent for the task as well as everyone who’s been assigned a task in that workflow step and their task status. Any supporting documents will also show on this panel. Select the file to download and view it.


Workflow – shows the workflow steps that have been processed already and those still to go through to complete approval. By clicking on any previous workflow steps you can see the feedback provided by other approvers.


Brief – You can see the information which has been completed by the job owner related to the job. Click on the arrows to see the different sections of the job brief.


  The middle panel will show the files you need to approve. Selecting a file will show you the proposed expiry date, if applicable, the feedback from any other user(s).


The right panel gives you the link to open/download the file, depending on how it has been sent, as well as see previous versions of the file.


If there is a checklist to be completed for the file, this will show above the box where you can enter your comments. Any question with an * is mandatory to fill in before you can complete your task. File comments are mandatory if you select reject or approve with amends (if applicable).

Choose whether you want to approve, approve with amends (if applicable), or reject the file by selecting the appropriate button.

 Once all files have been reviewed, then you can select to Complete the task at the bottom right of the screen.


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