On the screen, you will be given your workflow sequence options for that job type.
Choose your workflow sequence and confirm to continue.
You have effectively now started a workflow step and now you will need to 'Setup Workflow' in order to upload your documents.
Once you have chosen your workflow sequence this will present
You may have the option to add extra workflow steps into your chosen sequence in depending on the workflow settings.
To the left-hand side of the page, you will see your full approval sequence. If permitted, you can add in additional workflows by clicking on the '+' where would like to add it in the sequence.
This will bring up an 'Add Workflow Type' box with the available workflows you can add. Select the workflow and click 'Add', this will slot into the requested place within the full approval sequence.
Once you have established your workflow steps, select your workflow task assignees, or group and input your 'Task Due Date/Time' and 'Task Instructions' for the first workflow step.
Click on 'Documents', bottom right and select your uploaded files for approval, supporting documents and documents which need to be included for this specific workflow step or sequence.
Once documents for approval and supporting documents have been selected you can either 'Save and Exit' or you can continue to 'Run Business Feature Approval Step' to commence the applicable sequence.
Users can either be selected individually or by a group. To add users individually click on each/a box beside their name which will confirm your choice by turning blue.
Now, choose the blue 'Documents' to select your files for approval.
Business area manager can create groups and add existing users from their business area whereas an administrator can add to all business areas.
Once users and groups have been selected you can either 'Save and Edit' or click 'Documents' to move to the next step.