Located, top right-hand corner of your dashboard, click on 'New Job' within the jobs area.
Fill in the 'Job Details' with the relevant information and click 'Save'.
Your job brief is now completed and you can move onto the file upload. If need be you can amend your job details or marketing brief on the job menu bar labelled 'Brief'.
Within a job, you have the option to create folders so you can organize your files. Files can be pre-set per job type if required.
Files can have permissions on them too meaning only certain people can see and access those folders. To access the permissions click on the three dots next to each folder.
To upload click on the 'Upload File' button, select your files and click 'Open'. Files can be downloaded as well as uploaded.
Note, you can 'drag and drop' files into the job as well.
The next stage now is to begin your 'Workflow', to move onto this step please click here.