Once your user account has been created, a system-generated email will be released with a link to DotApprove where you will be asked to change (create) your password. This email is valid for 24-hours. If you log in after the 24-hour period, use the 'forgot your password' link.
Your password must be a minimum of eight characters and contain at least one upper case letter, one number and one non-alpha numeric character (such as @, %, !, . (excluding £, /, $, #)).
We recommend saving the URL as a favourite or bookmark after successfully logging into the portal.
The URL that should be bookmarked is dotapprove.perivantechnology.co.uk.
There is a two-phase log in requirement, firstly, the system will ask you for your email address.
The second phase will require you to enter your password generated from the system automated welcome email.