Immediately after signing in you will land on your Dashboard.
Here, you can create new meetings, browse existing meetings and navigate through your rooms.
To create a meeting, click on the blue 'New Meeting' symbol.
A 'Create New Meeting’ dialogue box will appear allowing you to name the meeting, select dates & times and type a location.
Note, when applying a start date/time, you must ensure you complete both fields and populate an end date and time.
Once your meeting has expired, there is a buffer of 48-hours before your meeting card will go into your 'Past' meetings. This will ensure your meeting cards are organised more efficiently and are categorised chronologically, either by current, past or archived meetings.
After clicking create, you will be taken to the screen below. This is the first of four steps: Meeting.
Here you will find a summary of the meeting details applied on the previous screen.
You will also have the ability to populate the attendee list (invite your directors) and add notes.
N.B. notice all other steps are currently greyed out
Click save and you will notice step 2, Build, is now active (no longer greyed out).