Applying or Editing Permissions For A User

To apply or editing permissions for an existing or new user, go to your menu preferences and choose 'Administration’.


Click 'Users' from the menu bar or card.




Find the user and 'Edit' their permissions.




You will find all the rooms listed in order to apply or amend a users access rights against that room.


Along to the left, you will see the 'User Details’ and 'Global Permissions'.


Global Permissions are applicable for the user you are editing.

  • Administrator – will give a user senior, overall rights for the whole site. They can manage all aspects within the site (also known as a superuser).
  • User Creator – allows management of user-profiles within the site, such as create, edit users to a specific room(s).
  • App Access – allows that user to access our apps, more commonly connected with the 'Director’ permission.
  • Two Factor Authentication – Enables you to control the external user or directors access by prompting the user to authenticate their access with a code. Google Authenticator app required. 2FA Detail
  • Restricted Web Portal Access - Restricts user access to the online portal, giving the user access to just their basic editable profile, restricting download and printing of content via the web portal. Users can still access their papers via the VBR App providing ‘App Access’ is enabled for their profile.


The permissions listed against each specific room or entity are;

  • Room Manager - appointed by the 'Administrator', will have overall admin rights to their room(s) selected and with the 'User Creator' global option chosen, will be able to manage users for those rooms. If they require access in order to review meeting papers on their iPad, enable global 'iPad Access’ on their profile. They will be able to create meeting cards and build meeting packs and publish/unpublish those as standard.
  • Meeting Manager - will create and manage all aspects of meetings. Enabling the 'User Creator' global option allows them the ability to edit users solely to their appointed room(s) given to them by the Room Manager. Global.
  • Meeting Editor - has the ability to edit meeting details, add and remove attendees, amend notes and change dates & times. 
  • Director - this option combined with the 'App Access' global permission, will be the principle preference for your front end user who would be the main recipient of published meeting packs, either via the online portal or app.
  • Vote Manager - Will give you the ability to create and manage Votes or Resolutions for users associated with any assigned room. Please review here; Voting & Resolutions

    Please note: Administrators and Vote Managers cannot be part of, or cast, a vote.




Note; It is best practice to have one user account per person within your site and not to share account logins across multiple individuals. There are varying reasons as to why the use of "generic" accounts is undesirable, some of which we have been detailed below: 
Permission Type
  • Director: Sharing generic login credentials could be a security risk as you can not determine who is accessing data and/or still has access to data even if they have left the company.

  • Room Manager: Users can create, delete or publish meetings and/or action user permission level changes. If the account is generic it would prove difficult to attribute this action to a particular person in an audit log/report. Additionally, sharing generic login credentials could be a security risk as you can not determine who is accessing data and/or still has access to data even if they have left the company.

  • Global Administrator: Administrators have full control over your VBR site and can add/remove users and rooms, again it would be very difficult to attribute this action to a particular person. Additionally, sharing generic login credentials could be a security risk as you can not determine who is accessing data and/or still has access to data even if they have left the company.

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