The Directors' Dashboard view will present you with:
- Upcoming meetings from all rooms
- Meetings with recently published boardpacks
- Announcements
- Calendar
- Notifications
- Your Preferences
Clicking on any given meeting card will drive you to your published papers, as well as all other information populated and applied to that meeting such as location, attendees and meeting notes.
You can navigate to any given room via the pull-down menu shown below.
Choose 'Meetings' and this will present you with access to ’Current’, 'Past' and 'Archived’ meetings.
Selecting 'Documents' will display documentation made available by your administrator outside of your meeting cards and boardpacks. For example – policies, procedures, constitutional documents etc.
Clicking on the notification ‘bell’ icon will display generic notifications associated with all recent activity relevant to you e.g. meeting invites, meeting changes and available boardpacks. A blue numbered bullet on the bell icon and a blue vertical bar will indicate if there are any unread pending notifications.
The Directors' Dashboard will give you the ability to edit your Email Notification preferences.
Under Profile within your menu preferences, you can edit and change/amend your name or email address. Your portal password will be required in order to verify and complete the change.
Clicking on the calendar icon and then on any calendar entry will drive you directly to the relevant meeting card and will display all the published material associated with that meeting.
These bespoke calendar meeting entries are also reflected in your apps.
If your director has access rights to more that one company, provided their email address is common for those entities, those companies will pull through and access can be obtained via the 'Change Company' option located top right, next to your menu preferences.