Abandoning a job or campaign

In DotApprove it's not possible to delete a job or campaign. This is to ensure everything is kept for auditing purposes. Instead, you have the option to Abandon the job or campaign if you no longer want to process it. This will file the job or campaign into an Abandoned Jobs folder which can be viewed at any time. 


Follow the steps below to abandon a job. A campaign is abandoned in the same way, just from within the campaign.


Step 1: Within the job you wish to abandon, select 'Edit Job Brief' from the 'Actions' drop down. 



Step 2: Click on the 'Abandon Job' option. 



Step 3: Insert the reason why the job is to be abandoned and click 'Abandon Job'. 



Step 4: The job has now been abandoned and can be found within the Abandon Jobs view from your Jobs List. 



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