Checking in a PDF

In the event that a user has checked out a PDF document and failed to check it back in to DotApprove, other user's will be prevented from being able to edit the PDF. This can prevent a workflow from being processed. 


Administrators are able to check in a document that has been left checked out in error.


A document will show as being checked out if it has a green arrow in front of the document icon.



 To check the document back in, select 'Check In' on the drop-down menu by the name of the document.



Ensure that 'No' is selected for the option of 'Keep the document checked out after checking in this version'. Add any comments you'd like to be recorded for, for example, 'Checking this document back in as Steve Smith has this checked out, but is on annual leave for the next two weeks.' Then select 'OK'.



The document will now be checked in and you can continue with any approvals.


The video below shows you how to do this:


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