Creating a campaign


Campaigns act as an umbrella of a group of jobs that can be run simultaneously but are kept grouped on the site. All jobs within a campaign will have the same Job Bag Type, this is pulled through from the campaign brief, but the other fields are able to be changed.


Creating a campaign is very similar to creating a job. Follow the steps below to start a campaign. 


Step 1: Within the required room, under the 'New' drop down select 'New Campaign'. 



Step 2: Fill out the job bag with the appropriate information.  Please note * means the field is mandatory so it must be filled in before proceeding with the creation of the campaign. 



Step 3: Click 'Create.' This will create the campaign and take you inside the campaign. You can now create as many new jobs as required from this page.  



 To see how to create a new Job, please click here.


If you would like to see how to create a campaign watch our video below:



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